Mazandaran University of Medical Science ,
Abstract: (8977 Views)
Introuduction: Mosques are the houses of God and should be clean and holy. Attention to mosques and other holy places is very important in our country. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the health status of mosques and holy places in Amol city. Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study. All urban and rural mosques were selected using census method. Data were collected using a checklist of health regulation of mosques through visit and direct observation. The data were analyzed using Excel software. Findings: The results of the current study revealed that 69% of Mosques, Hosseinieh and Tekeye were sanitary, but only 47% of holy places had desirable status. Also, 7%, 4%, 14% of mosques, Hosseinieh and Tekeye and holy places were undesirable. There was a significant difference between Urban and rural mosques. Urban holy places had better status than rural holy places, but this difference was not significant. Conclusion: The results indicated that the health status of studied religious places was relatively desirable, but almost half of rural holy places were weak or medium in terms of health. It is suggested to improve the health status of these places with the cooperation of health authorities and active participation of the clergy and Friday-prayer leaders and also attracting public participation.
zazouli M A, yousefi M, alipour N. Study the Environmental Health Status of Mosques and holy places in Amol City, Iran in 2014. IHJ 2015; 2 (1) :7-12 URL: