The Relationship Between Dimensions of Islamic Lifestyle and Happiness among University Students
Abstract: (9231 Views) |
Introduction: Islamic lifestyle is connected with alldimensions of life. Happiness is the most important human psychological needs, which has a major influence on the development of personality and mental health.The aim of thisstudy was toinvestigate the relationship between dimensions of Islamic lifestyle and happiness among the students.
Methods:In this correlational study,the population was all students ofKharazmiUniversity, who were enrolled in the academic year of 2013-2014. The sample group included 225 students(111 males and 114 females)who were selected throughdisposal sampling method. Assessment instruments were Oxford Happiness and KavyaniIslamic lifestylequestionnaires.Datawereanalyzed usingPearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression.
Results:Findings demonstrated that there was a negative significant relationship betweenhappiness and variables such as negativeintellectual,guilt, altruism,pleasure-seeking and low volition. Also, there was a positive significant relationship between happiness and variables likeinternal,religiousand social characteristics.Stepwise regression analysis showed that guilt, internal and religious characteristicscould explain 0/23of variance in happiness.
Conclusion:The results of the current studycan be used for curriculum andpreventive and developmental planning in universities, counseling and psychotherapy centers to improve thehappiness and Islamic lifestyle. |
Keywords: Islamic lifestyle, happiness, university students |
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Type of Study: Research |
Special Received: 2015/12/3 | Accepted: 2016/02/15 | Published: 2016/02/15
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